city design games free online
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About Our City Building Games
Have you got what it takes to manage a thriving metropolis? You can find out in our challenging and educational city building games! You'll be taking on the roles of mayors and entire city councils while you try to turn small towns into world-famous economic and cultural centers. Flex your civic planning muscles while you build and develop entire cities from the ground up. Just be sure to keep an eye on your budgets. You may need to boost your community's tax rates if you find yourself running low on funds!
Many of these games take place in the 21st century, while others will catapult you back in time to the Middle Ages. In a few of them, you'll be presented with the task of turning small villages into huge empires. Will you become an influential and inspirational leader in these simulation games?
What are City Building Games?
City building games will put you in charge of a municipality. If you really enjoy open-world games, imagine getting the opportunity to create an entire community you can both manage and explore. You'll be developing various residential, commercial, and industrial districts while you decide where to construct hospitals, schools, and even stadiums. Many of these games take place in modern times, but others will put you in charge of villages and even entire empires many centuries ago or even in the distant future.
Some of these management games are simple and focus on merely constructing skyscrapers, while others are incredibly in-depth and will even require you to design entire water and electrical grids! The still popular SimCity series pretty much kicked off the genre in 1989, although there were earlier titles like Utopia. Many of these older games were held back by the simple graphics and other technological limitations of the '80s. Try one of these addictive titles and discover if you have the skills to build a city that will stand the test of time!
city design games free online
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